Thursday, June 5, 2008

Spiritual Knowledge starts with the search of finding who you are? It sometimes get started with the eagerness to find who GOD is and where he resides? But in today's world, stress, pain, broken marriages and so many other problems lead people to spirituality.

Iam not sure why I started this Blog, just a strong feeling of typing all these and may be its for me to go through again and again and learn whatever was typed. Iam unable to explain whatever that has happened/that is happening in my life, after taking energy darshan from the Master (Paramahamsa Nithyananda) on Dec21st 2007. As of now I conclude by saying, this blog is entirely written for me by ????.

Before we start lets take blessings from Gurus and ask them to show us the right path and reveal the ULTIMATE TRUTH.

What is the driving force in today's world?

We are driven by two things in todays world. The first one is "Desire" and the second is "Fear".

Desire is to possess a car, bungalow, in simple words we can say material needs. Imagine a huge room and a lucky draw happening there. We enter the room with empty hands and with a lot of desire to win something, who win they are very happy and many of those who dont get anything are very sad. And sometimes it so happens though we get something we look at others who have got more and feel jealous about it, feel unhappy with whatever we have. We forget the fact that we have not lost anything, we forget that we came in with empty hands. We keep searching and make our own life miserable.

Fear is again on loosing something it can be about a job, health, wealth, death etc. Most of the time fear is an illusion. For example we might think what if I loose my job, what if my business goes into a loss, what if I die, etc . Anything that starts with " what if " has no answer and most of the times its merely an illusion.

The above mentioned facts lead us to miserable life.

What does spirituality do? will it makes us a saint and forget family life?

Surely not! this is a misconception, in short whatever you are doing, to do it the best spirituality helps. It shows us the successful and effective way of leading a life. It always keeps us calm and peaceful. Please have a look at the photograph below. To my knowledge, one of the best places available in the world for spirituality, its none other than TIRUVANNAMALAI.

Saying TIRUVANNAMALAI itself gives lot of peace and happiness. This is a miracle land of TamilNadu. Before gettin on to TIRUVANNAMALAI We will clear some of the basic doubts. Clearing basic doubts always helps us to explore spirituality better. Gurujis always say, shed your ego and come as an empty cup, otherwise our logical mind will keep doubting things and so we will never be able to understand the truth.

Who is GOD?

" GOD = ENERGY " is the most simple equation. What energy? the energy that we get in deep sleep, the energy that surrounds us, the energy we breathe, its COSMIC ENERGY.

Is it confusing??
Imagine a situation of we getting into a swimming pool. we keep drowning inside the pool and we might think, oh yes , am 75 kgs, but the moment you hold the breath you start floating. So who are we? is it the body or the breath. Lets understand this concept properly. We consider body, face, name as our identities like what we see in mirror. But that's not true. We are the universe, we are the ENERGY CENTERS, its the SEVEN CHAKRAS in our body that help us realise the above fact.

In simple words, "Every BODY is a temple and Every BEING is GOD".

its getting too confusing, can you explain in simple terms why should someone follow spirituality? What makes you feel spirituality is important?

Both the questions has the same answer. Ramana Maharishi says, stop thinking and tell me where is the mind? In todays world the moment we get up from bed we are driven by so many thoughts, for example the moment we get up, we might think "I should go to office today and shout at the peon who forgot to clean my table" then " I should wear pink shirt today" then "today I should try out pizzas" all types of thoughts some thoughts filled with anger, some with fear, some with jealously, some with happiness etc etc. Just take a paper and write all your thoughts for 5 minutes (whatever thought that comes to your mind). When you go through the paper after 5 minutes you will find so much of unrelated thoughts which occupy you for the whole day till you get some sleep; Your breathing pattern changes with your thought, it results in a bad flow of enery in your body. In short thoughts either live in the past or in the future, makes us so miserable and doesnot allow us to live the present. To get rid of all these, stop your mind for sometime, tell your mind to stay away for sometime, inquire into self - in simple words MEDITATE!

On the roadside, below very old trees we would have seen coiled snake sculptures with seven heads or sometimes with one head. This depicts the energy from kundalini raising through the spinal cord (which is in the form of a spiral). Yogis and maharishis who lived before christ were so intelligent, they knew kaliyug will start soon and man will be behind material needs without realising the Supreme Self. They have put in efforts to convey this message through this scuptures which in some places are more than 500o years old.

Ok, Is spirituality related to religion? Should I get converted to Hindu?

A BIG NO! Pls understand clearly, spirituality is not related to religion at all. Its only about you, universe and GOD. Its not going to affect your church or your mosque routines. Its all about you, the SUPREME SELF!